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Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign by Rachel Harrie

In earlier days, writers wrote. They wrote novels and short stories and plays and waited for the publishers to promote them. With dwindling budgets and the escalating networking advantages of technology, a lot of the promotion has fallen to the writers. And predictably, writers are banding together to support each other. One such effort is by writer Rachel Harrie.

She has initiated the Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign this August. I missed the first two, but I joined up this time around. Talking about my debut flash-fiction e-book, A to Z stories of Life and Death, has convinced me that writers helping writers is the best way to help us all succeed. And Rachel has decided to do just that.
I’ll steal the details from Rachel’s blog:

What is the Campaign?

Basically, the Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others’ online platforms while at the same time building theirs.

I originally referred to my Writers’ Platform-Building Campaigns as “Crusades”, but I’ve recently changed that name for reasons including this one. So we’ll be referring to ourselves as Campaigners rather than Crusaders from now on (and I hope you can all get behind the new name as strongly as you did behind the original one).

In 2010 we had 55 people take part, many of whom have become great blogging friends. We saw our followers skyrocket and the comments on our posts increase, and had fun taking part in the Challenges as well (kartofflepuffer anyone???).
In February 2011, we had 217 people take part before I closed the List, and many more who wanted to join. I made so many wonderful friends, and heard of some awesome connections and friendships being made between other writers. The new Group concept worked very well, and we saw Group interviews, get-to-know-you sessions, a Choose Your Own Adventure bloghop, among other things. The Challenges were again heaps of fun – I think we’ll all remember the goldfish bowl flash fiction for a long time! And the Show Not Tell Challenge in April (linked with Arlee Bird’s A-Z Challenge) was a ball of fun too!
I can’t wait to see what fun comes out of this Third Campaign!
As the Campaign kicks off, you’ll have the names and blog addresses of the Campaigners on my List of Campaigners page (above), so you can keep in touch with the other Campaigners. That way you’ll have a list of bloggers in the same position as you, who genuinely want to help you succeed. And you’ll be able to meet those who have the most in common with you. You can visit their blogs and other places they haunt, follow along, leave comments galore, and share your highs and lows as you journey through the blogosphere and build your online platform. And they’ll be doing the same for you.
Length of the Campaign
This Campaign will run from August 22nd to October 31st. I’ll be closing the List of Campaigners on August 31st, so join up before then if you want to come on board!

I urge you to join in the campaign, because the more support we give and get, the better it is for us writers, in terms of working on our writing, querying, promoting, publishing and what have you. Find the chatter on this campaign at #writecampaign on twitter.

P.S: If you’re in the same groups as me, Literary, Short stories or horror, please check if you’re on my sidebar in the list of campaigners. If not, please give me a virtual poke, and I’ll add you 🙂

In other news, ace storyteller and published author Stuart Nager would display his flash fiction chops at Daily (w)rite today. Hop across and tell us what you think of his work. 
Tomorrow, I’ll feature the second part of the Spark Blogfest, instead of Friday revisions.  
And on Saturday at Daily (w)rite I’ll host Patricia Lynne, whose novel Being Human has been recently published to some acclaim. Please visit her post and give her some comment love!
Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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