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How Old is your #Blog ?

By 06/01/2015March 5th, 2016Uncategorized

Does age matter?

Tomorrow, this blog would turn seven.

Not that it feels any different from when I started this blog : I did it then because every once in a while I felt the need for community, a sounding board, a support group.

When I blog today, I blog for the same reasons.

If anything, my hope for this blog is to write less, read more. There are far too many excellent blogs to read, and I don’t do them nearly enough justice.

What about you? Why do you blog? How old is your blog? When visiting a blog, does its age matter to you?

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

I appreciate comments, and I always visit back. If you're having trouble commenting, let me know via the contact form, or tweet me up @damyantig !

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  • Marfa Umi says:

    I don't know how old my blog is, maybe 4 but I can't remember the date

  • Mark Murata says:

    I don't like admitting how old my blog is, anymore than I like saying my age.

  • Al Diaz says:

    Congratulations on your seven years! I have only 2 years blogging and it has been quite the struggle, but I also see it as a medication. It does me good, I have to take it. 🙂

  • Debbie D. says:

    Congratulations on your 7 years in the Blogosphere! ☺ My blog started casually in 2010, but I got more serious about it in 2012 and then in 2013 switched to a self-hosted website. It's the creative outlet I was missing for so many years. I too love to share my travel experiences, musical musings, various memoirs and creative writing pieces, including future book chapters. Content trumps age, but I admire those who have been at it for so many years.
    Debbie @ The Doglady's Den

  • Congrats on your 7 years of blogging! I blog to share my travel experiences and the joy of photographing objects that i find interesting. For me age of blog doesn't matter, the content matters.

  • Wow you all have a long time with a your blogs, I only have 2 DAYS with it haha, I am new at blogger, and it would be nice for all of you to please follow me and share my blogs and enjoy them! 🙂

  • DMS says:

    I think my blog is turning four in February. I do think my blog has grown a lot since I started and I have found a pattern to my blogging week. I was pretty sporadic in the beginning, but now I blog on regular days.I started blogging because my agent (at the time) told me I needed to start one, so I did. I blog to connect with other readers and writers. I love hearing about new books and getting to know people all over the world. 🙂

    Oh- and the age of a blog doesn't matter to me. New, old- they are all good. 🙂

  • Li says:

    Thanks for reminding me! I had forgotten my blogoversary this month. My blog will be 4 years old. I enjoy blogging because it serves as a creative outlet as well as allowing me to "meet" people from all over the world. Blogging has really broadened my horizons.

  • cleemckenzie says:

    I started blogging because my publisher said to. Now I blog because I love the connections with others and I love learning from them.

    I think I started blogging in about 2009. I'll have to check.

  • Usha Menon says:

    So finally I could reach you!! I find you on all my blogs.My efforts to read yours always proved to be futile.Thank you for reading all my blogs. Congratulations on the completion of seven years of blogging.

  • Congrats!

    I have been blogging since 2002.

    I have blogged about a lot of things, from the news and politics to my daily life, interests and hobbies, to so much more, including my cats (They do their own writing…I'm just their research assistant and photographer, hee, hee!). We are poets, storytellers, commentators, reviewers and more.

    My 2 inactive blogs can still be found online, and I have 2 active blogs.

    Sneakeasy's Joint (2002-2007) led to Mad Macedonian (2007-present –

    The Cycling Dude (2003-2010)

    The Opinionated Pussycat, begun New Year's Day 2010, was my realization that my cat writing deserved to have a place of its own, after 8 years, and no longer share my own blogs (

    The age of a blog doesn't matter to me, it's the quality of the writing and if a subject, or writer, catches my interest. I also will explore archives sometimes.

  • Congratulations! 7 years is seriously impressive.
    Don't pay much attention to a blog's age while reading, haven't really thought to, read the content if it holds my interest. Sometimes browse around and find older entries/links, but never investigated the age..

  • Hmm, my blog is almost 8 years old now… but does it count if there are only 10 posts in the first 3 years??

  • I haven't been keeping count, but my blog Our parking space first saw the light of day in November 2006, that's a little more than eight years ago. It began as a way of recording, in one place, our new adventure living in France, to where we had moved from England five months earlier. Its purpose was two-fold: to avoid having to tell multiple friends & relations the same news over and over again, and to provide a memory repository for me. It worked on both counts, most particularly in its second purpose. How else would I know how many years ago I bought the winter tyres or how long Trevor has been with us?
    It started on Blogger, moving to self-hosted WordPress after three years or so where, a little under a year ago, it was joined by my fledgling writing/photography blog, Keith Kreates. Both blogs have now moved to There have been numerous changes of names as well as of addresses, and somewhere along the line, a lot of the photographs from its early days on Blogger have become detached. Apart from that, it's still alive and kicking, still recording our ups and downs and still filling its prime purposes.

  • Amita Gulia says:

    congrats dear….. My blog is 2 and a half years old.
    I blog about books i read and anything else i wich to write on.. 🙂

  • Congrats. I started my blog in June 2013. It started out to be just a place to share books I'd read, but I also blog about family and just about anything. I love blogging, but more than that I love all the wonderful bloggers I've gotten to know. Reading everyone's blog is a challenge as I keep adding more to follow. That being said, I do have my favorite blogs and favorite bloggers. 😉

  • cheesetheday says:

    Hi, D! My blog just turned one (thank you for visiting it). I am an aspiring fiction writer, too. I want to do a little more of it all – writing, reading others' and connecting within the community. Mine started as a fun side project, and I guess because I figured I should compile all my thoughts and opinions on cheese somewhere instead of dumping them on the unfortunate souls that utter "I love cheese!" in my company.

    I'm not sure how to change my username properly, but I'm not Anonymous, I'm, or SJRobs! 🙂

  • Birgit says:

    I simply enjoy blogging and showcasing my cards and my little thoughts. I have no idea when I started and it doesn't matter to me nor does someone else's blog. If I find the blog interesting and fun to read or see card creations, I don't care if it started 2 months ago or 10 years ago as long as I enjoy it:)

  • Abbie Taylor says:

    I've been blogging since 2008, and my purpose is to spread the word about me and my writing. I tried a couple of sites before settling on WordPress so couldn't tell you how old the blog is, but age doesn't matter to me. When I go to a blog for the first time and see that the most recent post was clear back in October, that tells me the blogger doesn't update regularly and isn't worth following.

    Author Abbie Johnson Taylor

  • Congrats on blogging for seven years, and you have done well. I've been blogging for more than seven years (not the same blogs). I move on or rest when I have to.

  • Anna Tan says:

    I blog because… I don't know. I've just been doing it forever.
    Yay for turning 7! Happy blogiversary!

    Oh gosh… I started my (current) blog in 2006… (And that's not counting the earlier blog that died when tabulas shut down)

  • Congratulations! I am going on my third year. I love the blogging mainly to share my interests in books, to have all of you out there to discuss them with, to get inspired by other bloggers and the feel that I have friends all over the world who share the same interests as I do.

  • Susan Scott says:

    happy 7th birthday! Unsure how old mine is – 3 years maybe? Very tentative in the beginning –

    Why do I blog? well, meeting people like you and others from different parts of the world with rich & interesting outlooks on life, sharing travels, sharing so much really –

  • Lanise Brown says:

    I really don't pay attention to the age of a blog. I just enjoy reading their content. Getting new information and different perspectives is always a joy. I admit I don't blog as much as I should, but I blog to connect with other people who enjoy reading and writing as much as I do. Happy blogiversary! 🙂

  • Rajlakshmi says:

    Congratulations 🙂 I too would be completing 7 year. Can't believe it's that long. 🙂
    Age of the blog never really mattered when I visited other blogs. It was always the content that I looked for.

  • shelly says:

    I blog for the same reasons. But getting around to everyone is a bit stressful.

  • Nick Wilford says:

    I don't think the age matters if the author has something interesting to impart. After all, their years of experience no doubt predate their blog. Seven years is very impressive though!

  • I blog because I enjoy the connections.
    Congratulations on seven years. My blog turned five last November. Can't believe I've been blogging that long.

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