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Have You Read Collateral Damage Yet?

Frederick Lee Brooke is an awesome blog-friend and the author of the widely-acclaimed Annie Ogden
mystery series, which includes Doing Max Vinyl, Zombie Candy, and Collateral Damage. Having lived in Switzerland for the past two
decades, Brooke has taught English, run a business and learned French,
German and Italian.

today’s Wednesday feature, I bring you Collateral Damage. Reading the three Annie Ogden books in the order they were written is the ideal
way to get into the series, because there is a progression and development in the main
character, Annie Ogden. But it’s not essential. You can also start with
Collateral Damage and work backwards.

Elevator pitch: A love affair, obsession and murder are tearing apart the lives
of of Iraq War vets, after all they’ve survived overseas. Determined to find
the murderer, Annie Ogden discovers she’s his next target.

Teaser Excerpt

Five hundred, twenty-three days, I thought, what is it about
that number? I took too many math seminars. I can’t help it if my brain makes
these associations. They come to me at odd moments. The significance suddenly
occurred to me, like an email dropping in my inbox. Prime numbers. The one
hundredth prime was 523. In itself it had no meaning, and yet…a coincidence
like this, a number that was such a tremendous thing of beauty, in the canon of
all numbers, prime numbers in themselves being exquisitely beautiful, and today
being the one hundredth prime, a thing exponentially more beautiful than any
ordinary prime, and this being the very day that Michael chose to reappear in
my life bringing a love poem, after all my desperate pining and longing and
refusal to give up all hope. Could it really, truly be meaningless?
My sister stood across the room, arms folded over her chest.
“You have come a long way, Annie. Sometimes you do amaze me.”
“You think so?”
“Girl, I am buying you lunch. You were so strong. That was so
hard. I saw every bit. You deserve more than a reward. You’re up for sainthood.”
She took me to lunch, and afterwards we strolled down
Michigan Avenue, and all afternoon I had trouble containing myself, even if we
avoided the subject for the next four hours. It felt incredible to be alive. I
felt like I was bathing in a circle of sunshine even though the day was cold
and overcast.


Buy it on Amazon. You can read an excerpt from Chapter 1 here and here’s where you’ll find links to more excerpts of Collateral Damage. Enter a Goodreads giveaway for this book, and you could receive this book for free.

 Having read his work before, all I can say is that Fred has a great sense of humor, a quick knack for creating plot twists, and an often startling insight into the female mind. You’ll be in for a treat this summer on the beach, or deck, or wherever you are with Collateral Damage.
Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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