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Demented blogging A-Z

A-Z Blogging : Demented

Writing prompt: DEMENTED

Provided by: India Drummond and Laura Eno fellow participants of the A to Z challenge. Visit them! Thanks to everyone who dropped me a prompt in the comments! Now I need R-Z!

Genre: Fiction/Flash


Call me demented, but as a photographer, I find wrinkles fascinating. They add character.

All creative souls must follow their heart, and I follow mine. At thirty-six, I have an older wife, far older than Moore is to Kutcher, and ahem..far less well-maintained, shall we say, but her wrinkles get me every time, and I make sure I get to see all of them all the time. She wears no make-up–I’ve ruled that out.

But she is a good subject, in all senses of the word— she sits for my pictures, moves as I want her to, stays cramped for hours in awkward positions (I’m a slow, precise photographer), cooks my dinner, brings me coffee in the morning at just the right temperature, and agrees with everything I say when we’re in company (also when we’re not).

So you must understand me when I tell you it upset me a little when she came in with my coffee this morning, made-up as if by a mortician. She told me she was leaving.

And now there she lies, all wrinkles lost. My only subject is gone.

I need to find another one, and soon: without a subject, I feel like an old man.


I still need prompts for the rest of the alphabet, so keep them coming! I’m tweeting A to Z posts at #atozchallenge: mine, and the others’ I like!

Thanks and shout-outs to organisers Arlee Bird (Tossing It Out) , Jeffrey Beesler’s (World of the Scribe),  Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh) , Jen Daiker ( Unedited), Candace Ganger (The Misadventures in Candyland) , Karen J Gowen  (Coming Down the Mountain) , Talli Roland ,  Stephen Tremp (Breakthrough Blogs )

Genre: Fiction/Flash

Damyanti Biswas

Damyanti Biswas is the author of You Beneath Your Skin and numerous short stories that have been published in magazines and anthologies in the US, the UK, and Asia. She has been shortlisted for Best Small Fictions and Bath Novel Awards and is co-editor of the Forge Literary Magazine. Her literary crime thriller series, the Blue Mumbai, is represented by Lucienne Diver from The Knight Agency. Both The Blue Bar and The Blue Monsoon were published in 2023.

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